3 Şubat 2021 Çarşamba

Classroom Environment


We, as teachers, are constantly in search of new teaching techniques to create a desire to learn in our students, then to make learning enjoyable and to ensure that the knowledge acquired during the learning process is placed in permanent memory. The search for new teaching techniques becomes imperative as we aim to enable the student to combine the knowledge he / she has acquired with previous knowledge, to establish connections between them and to apply them in their daily life. “In order to reap the benefits of quality education, there is little discussion and where to start for restructuring education in order to be quality, but for me it is necessary to start from the classroom. “The starting point for achieving this is the organization of the classroom environment. Making the classroom environment suitable depends on many factors. The place where the teacher tries to make the necessary changes in the behavior of the student in accordance with the general and specific aims of education is called the teaching environment. Teacher-student-educational tools and equipment interact with each other in this environment. Organization of this environment is under the responsibility of education administrators. When the educational environment is evaluated in the Turkish education system, a structure that is quite far from the modern education principles of especially public schools is encountered. The first reason for this is the crowded classes. According to the findings of educational science, it is definitely not possible to provide a healthy primary and secondary education in classes approaching students. In such an educational environment, if you assign the most qualified teacher and offer him all kinds of opportunities, you will not be efficient. The second reason is the inadequacy of educational tools (visual and auditory), which will facilitate the teacher's work and enable the student to have a more effective educational life. As one of the most wonderful inventions of our age, computer is not known enough by our teachers because it does not enter the teaching environment, so computer-aided education cannot be given. This situation slows down the learning process of the student.

Therefore, we should be able to use all opportunities for students and prepare the appropriate classroom environment.

Class Assessment For Prospective Teachers


Evaluation and Reflection

Assessment is an important part of teaching and learning. Assessment helps teachers and students set new goals through reflective thinking by determining what students know, understand and can do at different stages of the learning process. The results recorded as a result of the evaluations provide feedback to students, teachers and parents with the reports prepared. Regular evaluation of the program with the participation of teachers and school management contributes to the development of the program over time.

Many measurement and evaluation tools are used to measure what the student has learned and to direct their future development. Kindergarten and primary school students' activities are constantly monitored and observed. Every stage of the learning process is followed by pre-evaluation, process evaluation and result evaluation. Preliminary assessment; process assessment in determining the student's current knowledge, interest and learning style; Result evaluation in determining the incomplete learning that the learning process continues; It plays an important role in measuring what has been learned. In addition, students' understanding of a topic is evaluated with different assessment-evaluation tools and strategies such as rubrics, scorecards, checklists, entry-exit cards, brainstorming, mind maps, presentations, projects, observations. Irmak Schools tries to help students learn better by measuring their learning, informing students, teachers and parents about the learning situation of students and improving the curriculum. Information obtained from assessment and evaluation is shared with parents and students through parent information meetings, parent-teacher meetings, student-managed portfolio interviews and interim reports, development reports and inquiry unit reports.

While evaluating students, measurement results, students' participation in classroom activities, scientific attitudes and behaviors, observation, research-examination, scientific thinking, the wealth of ideas they have and exhibit, taking responsibility, their tendency to teamwork, sharing Knowledge and findings, and many other observational student activities can also be evaluated. is included. Parents are notified of the portfolio meeting times to be held at the kindergarten and primary school level. These interviews are an important process that the student shares with his family by reflecting what he has learned. Therefore, portfolio days and hours cannot be changed except for very important excuses (doctor report, out-of-town and business travel).

In my opinion, the most important thing is the feedback given to students after this portfolio and assignments. Thanks to these feedbacks, the student can clearly see his deficiencies and mistakes. Finds the opportunity to learn and develop the truth.

Special Education and Inclusion

  1.       .  ANDREAS, AGED 12 (Diagnosis - SEBD) Teachers are always shouting at me. I don’t care. I hate English anyway — I can’t do it....